Nowadays, use of alternative and complementary therapies with mainstream medicine has gained the momentum. Aromatherapy is one of the complementary therapies which use essential oils as the major therapeutic agents to treat several diseases. The essential or volatile oils are extracted from the flowers, barks, stem, leaves, roots, fruits and other parts of the plant by various methods. It came into existence after the scientists deciphered the antiseptic and skin permeability properties of essential oils. Inhalation, local application and baths are the major methods used in aromatherapy that utilize these oils to penetrate the human skin surface with marked aura. Once the oils are in the system, they remodulate themselves and work in a friendly manner at the site of malfunction or at the affected area. This type of therapy utilizes various permutations and combinations to get relief from numerous ailments like depression, indigestion, headache, insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory problems, skin ailments, swollen joints, urine associated complications etc. The essential oils are found to be more beneficial when other aspects of life and diet are given due consideration. This review explores the information available in the literature regarding therapeutic, medical, cosmetic, psychological, olfactory, massage aromatherapy, safety issues and different plants used in aromatherapy.

Aad Yog has taken a unique approach in this arena with the help of yogi baba Shubh by combining astrology with essential oils, to create unique blends and solutions for various illnesses and diseases.
Every essential oil is coming from a different plant and every plant has a different planet, deity and nakshatra as ruler. For example if someone is suffering from hypertension or anxiety or overthinking we see it as a vata dosha primarily, in astrology vat is regulated by saturn planet. So, the hypertension patient would also be suffering losses and delays in day to day life. Depending upon the other issues if present, we have experienced that by adding extra virgin coconut oil as base oil in the essential oil blend, the patient feels better within a very short time of application of oil and life in general also slowly starts to become continuous. Because coconut is the representation of the moon in astrology and by strengthening the moon given relief from saturn related issues.

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